Disruptive Legends

Antano & Harini love to do the impossible or the possible in impossible timeframes. A&H have turned around people, challenges for people and difficult situations even when there has been no precedence of the nature of your unique situation in the world before.

Maybe it has to do with your emotional and physical wellness or overcoming a plateau after years of continuous impact or maybe you feel you are just ready for the next league. We bring in turnarounds in Compressed Time by helping you Transform and Evolve at a rate and speed that you will find pleasantly surprising. 

If you are a representative for a disruptive legend who is positively impacting the society and want to explore the possibility of time compressing the impact agenda, get in touch with Mr. Joshua Samuel who can schedule a private conversation meet with Antano & Harini. 

If what you are approaching us for has to do with trauma, phobia or separation, our experts can solve that for you almost immediately but Antano & Harini will not be personally involved in those sessions unless it is an extreme or urgent situation. For such situations, Antano & Harini will be involved only for the initial pattern interrupt and emotional shift, further support will be provided by the specialists. 

If you are approaching us to solve an impossible health condition, you must know we are not medical doctors, yet our work has produced results that have been considered medically unresolved. And a lot of doctors refer such cases to us, however, our work in health related areas may or may not produce results, and has to be done alongside consultation with a qualified medical doctor. 

We maintain privacy and respect the confidentiality of all our clients. Your data specifically, will never be entered in any system and if we choose to work together, it will only be known to Joshua, Antano & Harini unless you choose otherwise. 

You can contact Joshua on: +91 8973099723
