Real Changes In Your Life happens ONLY with Real changes in You
Get a New Behaviour Installed within 2 Hours AND Sustainably Overcome your Personal Crisis
Are You Finally Done With all the Temporary Fixes?
Most people can't get over Personal Crisis because of their personal limitations. But the Challenge is, it is very, very difficult for anyone to self-diagnose and arrive at what is this 'personal limitation' that has to be resolved. It can be a missing capability, an unwanted behavior or a deep rooted sub-conscious beliefs. The real sustainable way to overcome personal crisis is to Fix these gaps in Personal Excellence.
What 99% of the world works on, including the top most of change agents are just the symptoms and not the real problems. The challenge of sustainability exists because, sorting out one symptom causes the another symptom to surface, and creates a chicken and egg situation. For most of you, the limitations have become a part of you because, you have now started designing life around these limitations, making a world of opportunities out of Your reach.
Identifying that "underlying limitation" and Fixing it creates a Butterfly Effect and Holistic Abundance.
"Who people are, is not written in stone... One need not limit their life with their current limitations and design their life around it." - Antano Solar John
Do You Just Want A "Temporary Feel Good Factor Or A Real Change?"
SLOW POISON - This is the term we can think of when we see people making temporary fixes in their day to day battles with their own devils and suddenly waking up to the reality that years have passed and they have not done anything significant with this lovely life they have been gifted with.
Example 1: There are people who go for a relaxation session and say I feel so relaxed. But what is the point if they are going to go back home and feel stressed again?
Example 2: One goes for a motivation seminar and feels super pumped and on top of the world at that point in time”! So what? What happens after 1 week? Back to square one! Is this an Indication of “Real Change”?
So What Should Be the Measurement of "REAL CHANGE"?
The Real Changes Should be measured in terms of,
- How is your life in a month’s time, in three months and in a year?
- Are you naturally motivated, in the contexts you need it the most?
- For how many days can your forcefully motivate yourself and try to make yourself happy temporarily?
At the end of the day, You want to create a more meaningful life that you will be happy and satisfied to look back at. Am I right?
Real change has to feel so innate, it has to feel like it's a part of you. And it has to be available naturally.
You NEED a HOLISTIC solution for completely eradicating your personal crises...
You want to have a great personal life, professional life and a social life. One in the absence of the other doesn’t make life as beautiful as you can make it! So it’s not just about solving the problem but it is about "Integrating all the parts of your life" and help them support and evolve each other,congruently and effortlessly. This is Exactly What Antano & Harini Do using Excellence Installations Technology! Get their help to "Set yourself free from Invisible traps and to help you overcome the limitations that may have held you back".
Excellence Installation from Antano & Harini
Antano Solar John and Harini Ramachandran, the Creators of Excellence Installations Technology have helped thousands of people Create an Identity for themselves and live a happier life. They have transformed businesses, relationships and have liberated people from life threatening situations.
Antano & Harini have worked with Academy Award winners, solved medically impossible challenges, helped million dollar businesses develop organizational excellence, and continues to work with the top musicians, performers and businessmen to bring about an innate shift in their unconscious patterns of thinking that produces extraordinary consequences over time.
“Antano & Harini have done over 10,000 Installations in three thousand peoples lives that have “Changed the trajectory of their life”.
Why we charge for the OUTCOME and not the Sessions?
Even the so called top Change Makers in the world charge you for Relief and not Result. But the desired Outcome of all those sessions may or may not be visible even after years. Progressing towards outcome is merely a Mirage, you are chasing. And hence you would have not just lost your money but also your life that can never come back to you. It's an illusion when you pay little by little. Isn't it? This is very expensive not just in terms of time and money but all the emotional turmoil, unsatisfying relationships, constant battles with beliefs, habits and behaviors.
You don't pay to us for "Temporary feel good factors". You Pay for the OUTCOME. ONCE. And you save time and resources by not coming back week after week for years for the same problem.
Are you ready to change the Trajectory of your life now, before wasting DECADES OF YOUR LIFE?
What People Say about us?
A&H have helped me in my Personal Transformation and in achieving my goals! Working with them has been an eye-opener for me. They have magic in your hands.
- Dr. Blossom
I'm amazed by how much, and how quickly, one can transform here. Working with A&H has been a revelation and a journey into rediscovering my own-self in a new light... it has taken me uP! Personally & Professionally and at what speed, WOW!
- Clifford
I had some emotional baggage and some habits that had been with me for a long time. I didn't know if anything could be done about it. Antano & Harini helped me make all the changes for a better life. I feel confident of my life now and it feels like it's under my control. Everyday brings a new opportunity where I seek change: I can learn new things faster, keep up good health and most importantly, help people whom I care about. This feels amazing!
- Hannah